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Shendo Cat Racing and AZ Trail Race LLC is a local event company that has been putting on the best trail running events in the valley since 2010.

PHONE:           602.363.7725

E-MAIL:           info@aztrailrace.com


AZ Trail Race LLC

P.O. Box 36983, Phoenix, AZ 85067

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As many of you have noticed, we just haven’t been able to bring ourselves to open registration for events we don’t know can happen. That being said, in light of the recent uptick in cases in Arizona we have made the difficult decision NOT to hold live XTERRA trail run events this fall. This decision did not come easily – but this virus has proven too unpredictable and too contagious for us to be able to plan an event that gathers hundreds of runners, volunteers, and families from across the country and keeps everyone safe.
We remain optimistic about the future and are still planning our 2021 spring events along with our new FERAL CAT VIRTUAL TRAIL RUN SERIES!!!!
Stay safe and stay diligent.
– the gang at Shendo Cat Racing.