White Shendo Cat logo

Shendo Cat Racing and AZ Trail Race LLC is a local event company that has been putting on the best trail running events in the valley since 2010.

PHONE:           602.363.7725

E-MAIL:           info@shendocatracing.com


AZ Trail Race LLC

P.O. Box 36983, Phoenix, AZ 85067

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The Team

Shendo Cat

Shendo Cat Racing and AZ Trail Race LLC is a small local event company striving to put on the best trail running events in the valley. As an official race company of the National XTERRA Trail Race Series in Arizona, we welcome runners from all over the world and of all experience levels.


A little more about us, Shendo Cat is owned and operated by trail runners, mountain bikers, and triathletes, and we know from experience how to put on a solid event! So are you looking for rugged? Do you want a challenge? Is it your dream to walk into work on Monday with an incredible story? Then, look no further; Shendo Cat Racing has what you want. Head to our Events page to register: Events!

Since 2010, Shendo Cat Racing has been organizing some of the best trail running events in the valley. As of 2023, we are proud to be hosting some of the best bike races in the valley!

Experience some of the most idyllic North American desert runs available. We hope that you join us and our community of trail enthusiasts as we discover and explore whether it's for regional runs on your way to the World Championships or just for fun!

Shendo Cat is the proud new host of the Chino Grinder, and we will be hosting the charity ride Flag2GC! Look no further than our event pages for fun new rides. In case you're looking for more adventure, check back in there may be more to come!

Why come run the Fat Turkey Trail Run? First, you've probably eaten too much. Second, it's in the red rocks of Papago Park. Most of all, because it's fun for the whole family! Bonus fun if you wear your own Turkey Suit!

The Team

Shannon Lindner About Us Image

Shannon Lindner

Founder & Chief Cat Herder

An almost Phoenix native, Shannon craves sunshine and adventure. Originally a mountain biker who found trail running in the foothills of the Rockies while going to school in Boulder, Colorado. She competed in her first XTERRA Triathlon in 2002 and was hooked.

Jake Hernandez about us image

Jake Hernandez

Director of Marketing

A lifelong runner and Arizona native, Jake is no stranger to the trails around the Valley and beyond. You can often find him running the trails of Phoenix’s South Mountain, though sometimes he hops on wheels, gravel riding anywhere and everywhere he can. And, yes, that ridiculous mustache is real.

Jen Durham

Jen Durham

Director of Partnerships

Hailing from the scenic landscapes of the Midwest, Jen’s journey led her to the vibrant desert city of Phoenix. Growing up surrounded by nature’s beauty instilled in her a deep appreciation for the outdoors and a love for sports. After settling in Phoenix, Jen’s athletic journey took an exciting turn when she discovered Shendo Cat Racing. With its adrenaline-fueled atmosphere and spirit of competition, Shendo Cat Racing offered Jen the perfect outlet to channel her athletic energy. For her, joining forces with Shendo Cat Racing felt like a natural extension of her lifelong dedication to sports, blending her love for speed and competition with a community of like-minded enthusiasts.

Tabitha Warren

Tabitha Warren

Web Developer

Tabitha Warren, originally from Phoenix, recently made the exciting move to North Carolina. A shift in career direction led her to the vibrant world of social media and web design. She’s found joy and purpose in her role as a freelance web designer. Currently, the web designer for Shendo Cat Racing, she loves volunteering her time at races when she visits her old stomping grounds in Phoenix. Her journey reflects her passion for creativity and community, as she embraces new opportunities with enthusiasm and dedication.


Shendo ``Crescendo`` Cat

Short for crescendo. Definition: A steady increase in force and intensity.